gabymyt extended side angle posture

When you are searching for yoga images in the internet, you can find thousands of photos or examples of pretty, skinny, super flexible women and men and you can think “I’m not like them.” But don’t get it wrong, Yoga is much more than beautiful people doing handstands in the sunset.

In the Yoga Sutras, the ancient yoga scriptures, Patanjali defines Yoga in one sentence: “Yogash citta vrtti nirodha = Yoga is the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind.”

He did not say anything about splits, headstands or expensive leggings, so I think that yoga is for everyone because today we all are looking for how to calm our busy minds.

The yoga that we can see on a daily basis is just Asana, and Asana is the third step in the eight limbs of Yoga described by Patanjali. Asana is the physical practice, but before we have the Yamas and Niyamas, the ethical and moral codes that ruled the Yoga world. In this eight-step method we also have Pranayama (Breathing techniques), Pratyahara (Sense withdrawal), Dharana (Focused concentration), Dhyana (Meditative absorption) and Samadhi (Bliss or enlightenment). Asana, is only one step that help us to prepare our bodies to be able to sit with a long, nice, strong spine and meditate, bringing calmness to the mind to achieve our Samadhi.

For me, Yoga is not just a physical practice to get your body fit and flexible, is a long-term practice that could make our bodies fit and flexible. However, the important thing is how much more flexible our mind is after Yoga, how we can change our perspective and how your life is easier when you have the power to calm down the fluctuation in your mind.

This is just my point of view and I can’t wait to know what do you think about it. Is Yoga for you?

Much love,

